


Dates for Baptisms in St. Columbanus Church may vary from month to month.    To book a Baptism in our Church please contact the parish office 2824085 or email [email protected] to check available dates.

Booking Forms are available from the Parish office.  Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate for photocopying.

Baptism Course 


Parents and Godparents are expected to attend a Baptism Course in preparation for the Sacrament during the previous month.

The Baptism Course takes place at the Church of the Apostles, Ballybrack, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm and is delivered by trained Catechists from the Parish Grouping.


Under GDPR regulations the information contained in this Form will be used to register this Baptism in the Parish and to contact you from time to time to advise you of parish events. The Copy of the Birth Certificate you submitted will be destroyed once the Baptism is registered.

The information in the Parish Register will be retained permanently.
